Marketing Case Study Social media strategy for NSpine

Case study summary

Our client specialises in spinal education and health, delivering a number of industry-leading workshops and conferences each year.

Our brief was to develop and deliver their online presence across LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Prior to our engagement, existing channels were not optimised for marketing, while there was a clear opportunity to launch their presence on new channels to engage a wider audience where they are most active.

During the project, the tentpole activity evolved from an in-person conference to a virtual event. We pivoted seamlessly to deliver a revised content strategy in a short time frame.




To support and grow their global following across all social media channels to increase brand awareness ahead of its innovative spine educational meetings during a six-month period.


We developed and delivered a comprehensive social media strategy, including branded graphics and video assets, channel management with daily posting and community engagement, and the launch of an Instagram account.

Throughout the project, we shared content regularly across all channels including graphics, press releases, imagery and videos. We also supported their partnerships by providing content for their partner email campaigns, website banners and own social channels.

As part of our service, we featured NSpine in a partner showcase webinar to promote the event to our audience. In addition, our commercial team also facilitated their commercial
G-Spine session during the live event.




Shared 415 posts across four
different social channels


156,306 impressions and 18,022
engagements in total across all channels


Engagement rate consistently
above the average


206 clicks to the registration sign-up page
within a 16 day period

Audience Growth


LinkedIn – 86.93%


Twitter – 873%


Instagram – 27,000%


Facebook – 11.18%

Engagement Rate


LinkedIn – 14.53%


Twitter – 1.76%


Instagram – 9.68%


Facebook – 4.54%

Client testimonial



“OCG were essential to the success of NSpine 2021.


The professional marketing strategy and customised approach was highly effective.


OCG remains our marketing partner of choice.”


-Bronek Boszczyk, NSpine Founder-

We were thrilled with the engagement we generated throughout this partnership, which was the result of a close collaboration with the NSpine team.


Our understanding of and experience in the orthopaedic, spine and medtech sectors allowed us to deliver a targeted campaign that provided tangible results for the client.

Ric Sumner