Providing international, retained executive search services to help orthopaedic, spine and medical device manufacturers achieve international growth.
Successful appointments depend on us understanding your business, people, culture and vision, and on developing clear action plans for each assignment. With a proven track record placing candidates internationally, we’ve developed a number of strategies, and ground our headhunting approach in extensive research, helping to find and place candidates internationally. We aim to set the standard for best practice in the orthopaedic and spine sector, continuing to grow and provide solutions tailored to the needs of our clients.
Our consultants are drawn from the world of orthopaedics and bring their wealth of experience to placing the best candidates nationally, and internationally. We help our clients by:
We tailor every search specifically to each customer, visiting you when we undertake a search assignment to get a real understanding of your values and needs.
With our tight focus within orthopaedics we go that extra mile to deliver quality placements and look after your long-term interests.
We are proud that our clients return and recommend us due to our approach, integrity and experience.
To qualify a candidate match, we team up with Thomas International to offer personal profile assessments for candidates and report back with recommendations as to whether their work strengths and style match your organisation.
With more than 30 years of medical device experience, Gavin joined Ortho Consulting Group having successfully run his own executive search business for many years. He has an outstanding reputation with his clients, forming lasting partnerships due to his tenacity, determination and genuine interest in their business.
Gavin’s key responsibilities at OCG include driving global business development, building relationships with key global distributors and engaging market leaders within the industry, as well as sourcing direct and indirect sales channels.
If you would like to speak to our team to discuss your strategy and the services we can provide, please get in touch.
Medical Device Company
To identify and place a CDM&A Director to drive a buy and build growth strategy for an award-winning, high-performing medical device company.